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  • malcolmbarton6

Why You Don't Need an Off Season

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Everyone Needs Off-Season.

As the racing season in Ontario concludes, it's time to consider hanging up the bike for a couple of weeks. Days are short and the weather is horrendous…OFF SEASON IS HERE.

Let's address the burning question many eager athletes have: Why do I need an off-season? The succinct answer is to make you faster. This is achieved in two ways.

Mental Rest:

A full season of training can be mentally taxing, even for the most disciplined athletes. To push your mind and body to new heights, downtime is crucial. Mental rest prevents burnout and builds motivation, enabling you to elevate your performance in the coming season. Progression in sports is not linear, and taking a break is essential for longevity in the sport.

Physical Reset:

Taking time off now will actually make you faster during peak race season. While it may seem counterproductive, allowing your body to reset enhances strength. Even if you don't feel "tired," chronic training load gradually wears down your body. Muscles, tendons, and soft tissues need time to recover. Hormones and the nervous system require recalibration for sustained fitness growth year over year.

Will I get slower?

In the short term, yes, but in the grand scheme, the answer is no, you will get faster. A 1-2 week break may result in a slight decrease in short-term aerobic performance, but this is outweighed by the long-term benefits.

How to execute the perfect off-season:

Do whatever you want. Eliminate training structure from your day. Now is the time to engage in activities you typically don't have time for during the season. Lay on the couch, go camping, pick up some extra hours at work, have a beer or three… Social outings and outdoor adventures are favourites during off-bike time. Live like a non-cyclist!

Ideally, by the end of your break, you should feel physically fresh and more motivated than ever to resume training. If not, adding another week off is likely the best option. Seasons are long and if you don’t start at 100% then you won't be able to reach your full potential.

If you have any questions on the topic or want to discuss anything training feel free to reach out!

All for now.

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