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Base Training

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

What is base training?

Base training is a phase of training that cyclists and other endurance athletes go through in the preparation season. The purpose of base training is to build a foundation of aerobic fitness that can be built upon in the coming months. Base training usually consists of long, slow rides at a relatively easy pace. Some intensity training during the base phase is common, but the focus is generally on building the aerobic engine.

If you're just starting out in endurance sports, base training may seem like a slow and tedious process. But trust us, it's worth it. Base training is the key to building a strong foundation and setting yourself up for success in the coming months.

Why do you need to be base training!

Aerobic base training is a critical component of any cyclist's training program. It is the foundational fitness for the coming season. This base is built up slowly year over year and will improve an athlete's endurance, fatigue resistance, and aerobic capacity, which is essential for racing success. This aerobic focus system is vital for success across cycling disciplines.

How much base training should you do?

This is a question that many athletes, coaches, and trainers struggle with, and unfortunately, there is no easy answer. The amount of base training you should do depends on a variety of factors, including your fitness level, goals, training environment, and schedule.

So how do you decide how much base training is right for you? Start by thinking about your goals. Are you training for a specific event? If so, you'll need to do enough base training to be able to complete the event. If you're not training for a specific event, then you can focus on other factors, like your fitness level, previous training load, and schedule.

Base training is essential for any athlete who wants to improve their aerobic fitness. It should be done at a low intensity, gradually increasing over time. There are many different ways to do base training, and it is important to find a method that works best for you. If you are looking for a premade base training program, or want to learn more about base training, please check out my website or reach out for a free consultation!


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