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  • malcolmbarton6


March Training

March is a unique month in Ontario. It can be negative 10 with a foot of snow or plus 10 and dry as a bone. It is also a very common time for athletes to take training camps south in preparation for the upcoming season. Here are a few tips I have to maximise your March training block.

Bike setup

Having spent the last number of months on the trainer, and likely having a few more rides indoors, I highly recommend leaving your brand new race bike/A bike indoors. Roads are salty, everything is freeze/thaw and the salt will do a number on whatever you choose to ride. I recommend throwing some fenders on an older bike that won't be raced this year. Ideally not the bike that is on the trainer (we want the trainer set up at all times to be as easy as possible to hop on). Ride some wide all-season tires with lower PSI and you're good to go.


With the wide range of weather patterns, keeping training consistent from week to week can be difficult both mentally and physically. Enduring a snowy winter while training in Ontario is no easy feat. As the weather gets nice we want to take advantage of it! What we need to avoid is doing 3 five hour rides in the first week of nice weather, and ending up needing a full week off. Remember that 5 ,2-hour rides are always better than one 10-hour ride. Take advantage of the warm weather without going too crazy!

Metrics to Watch

After a winter on a smart or dumb trainer, fitness if quite good. However outdoor riding is VERY different. Balance is called upon in a way it hasn't been for months. This activates a number of small stabilizing muscles that have been under worked compared to your power generators that you crushed all winter on the trainer. This disruption in blood flow can make the first few rides outdoors have an elevated heart rate. Do not dismiss this! Your body needs time to adjust. Be disciplined and be true to your zones.


Most people will agree that producing watts in far easier outdoors than indoors. The first few outdoor rides should be taken in a conservative manner. Be mindful of heart rate and power. Use them in combination to ensure you don't over due it while getting back out onto the road.

The flip side of this is when you need to get back on the trainer after a nice week outdoors. Just because you can crush the intervals at 300 W outdoors does not mean you need to do the same watts when you hop back on the indoor trainer. Be mindful of both heart rate and power in combination to maximise your training.

March can be a great month for training. Warm spring days provide hope what's for to come. Be mindful of your training this month to ensure success once the season rolls around!

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